2017年其它电影《秘鲁:隐藏的宝藏》主要讲的是:Perú: tesoro escondido is a documentary genre film about the secrets of Perú. The millinery culture of their ancestors, the beautiful landscapes, the tourist places and other places not yet discovered by the tourism and culinary culture, one of the richest in the world, stands out in this story. The documentary tells a story of a journey through culinary culture, beaches, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of the civilizations that inhabited Peru. Throughout the film, part of the geography and society of Peru is portrayed. The documentary focuses on five main areas: culinary culture, beaches, the Cord在赏心悦目缓缓流淌的琐碎家常底下,有多少不见天日的“蛆”在夹缝里蠢蠢欲动呢?艺术不分真假,形式没有对错,无论小津多么想追忆“大日本帝国”的传统精神文明与脉脉温情,他仍旧是个别具一格的风格大师,但无法成为永恒的精神导师illera, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations. This story focuses on highlighting the best known icons of the country, such as Machu Picchu, and others not so well known and difficult to access. The film is dressed with impressive images of the Ica desert and the sunrise in the Amazon jungle