1992年其它电影《我们不是天使1992》主要讲的是:“An ordinary story, told in such an imaginary way. The Angel and The Devil, competing about Nikol乱世武行兴,枪和法律是武术的天敌,比较早的漫改电影,有些镜头视觉冲击力很强,同时内容上的空洞,人物脸谱化和对白刻板是这个时期以至很长一段时间,香港类型片的通病,独臂系列,都以置之死地而后生的热血复仇为卖点,背后隐含着国破家亡,励精图治复仇崛起的爱国情感,后来陈可辛的《武侠》主线是《暴力史》但为了致敬王羽也让甄子丹断了一下臂,就《武侠》电影本身意义不大,这条胳膊是挂在电影史上a, a twenty-and-something womanizing student of the world literature, a city's wise-guy whose cozy way of life is being roughly interrupted by impregnating Marina, a clumsy high school graduate at a party, who wants to keep the baby, while Nikola believes it's not necessary. Generations in Serbia knows to tell this film by heart, and I highly recommend it to anyone abroad because it's a great way of meeting and understanding Yugoslav pop culture.It also has an outstanding soundtrack It's Srdjan Dragojevic's film-school graduation piece which shot him into instant fame."