2019年泰国泰剧《仇情血痕》主要讲的是:Charoen, who is famous billionaire, shot himself on his mansion. His family members are so relieve about this, not feel sad at all. In the day of testiment annoucement, Piroon, Charoens illegal child gain the most asset. Pimonpa, his legal daughter, is so angry about this. Piroon then saw a clue about his father death, maybe it wil be murder. While hes finding the truth, then suddenly die from ca虽然时间很长,而且有不少大大小小的bug,但很难移开眼睛r crash. There is letter P.M. near his body. Ansaya, Piroons lover, doesnt belive this will be accident. Someone need to kill him for asset. She belive that he tried to write the name of killer. Suspect is Parm and Pimonpa. She trust 金智英精神分裂时对儒资男权提供了复声部的控诉,但电影结尾莫名让她治愈了,这个突转合不合理,见仁见智,但我们可以留意她自我治疗的手段——写作、电脑写作on Inspsctor Komkrit who investigate this case. The more she find the truth, the more she realize that this is just not asset snatching