1973年香港电影《烈日狂风》主要讲的是:恶霸李大业一次猎巡途经风沙客栈, 强行奸污了老板之小女玉莲, 并残杀了其家人. 迟归的哥哥汉清(客栈主之子)目睹家中之惨状, 发誓报此血仇. 他准备贯穿影片的一句台词:There's is a point at 7000 RPM where everything fades.The machine become weightless. Just disappears.And all that's left is a body moving through space and time.7000 RPM, that' s where you meet it.It asks you a question.The only qu 男主的初衷是为了拥有先知让他看到的美好结局,他日夜不休地研究时空穿越理论却与先知空谈的“ 梦想 ”毫无关系estion that matters."who are you?"报仇之时,巧遇李大业的手下强抢翠凤,他救下翠凤,并进一步与李大业正面交锋此时李大业手下又增加了一个外来高手陈俊和两个日本浪人,汉清面临巨大挑战……