2017年中国大陆电影《卧底赌神》主要讲的是:小3.5. Yet another erstwhile stupid apocalypse flick that looks terrifyingly prescient considering where we are right now. The one fatal mistake of the film is that literally any human being on Earth would look more sympathetic than Mark Wahlberg in the same situation. And whatever people say, Shyamalan has always been a champion of the mise en scène, and for this reason alone I would watch every single trashed film he makes.混混徐家宝为了给相依“距离感”也许是形容这个家庭成员之间关系的最恰当的形容词为命的妹妹做手术联合女飞贼李安然、宅男发明家德扑高手刘夏,潜入豪华游轮,借参加黑帮年度赌局的机会,帮助国际刑警盗取黑道大佬爆炸哥的犯罪证据,为国际刑警捣破跨国犯罪集团。徐家宝跟两位拍档之间从互相欺骗到坦诚相告,徐家宝从自私自利的小混混成长为一个有情有义对同伴不离不弃的草根英雄。