2017年欧美电影《黑色的房间》主要讲的是:PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about to be put to the test as they slowly discover the secret behind the black room in the cellar. Something else is already living in their new最大赢家果然还是女王啊 home and it is growing stronger every day. It has claimed many victims including the last owners of the house. Repairmen who journey down into the basement soon meet a horrible end. When Paul is taken over by this demonic entity, it is no longer trapped within the walls and is quick to take advantage of all pleasures of the flesh. Jennifer and her younger sister KAREN begin to suspect that笨重机器人因为不能下楼翻车那里也太搞笑了;比星河战队好看,不过后者更加血腥暴力,实物加特效的制作也更加成熟;对里根经济学的讽刺,美国科幻电影大制作中少有的质疑美国利益,而非迎合科幻电影中常见的殖民叙事;对城市街头巷尾的空间分割处理的很好,似乎有意处理成了监狱,“底特律:未来希望一线尚存”的广告也多次出现在剥削场合;机器人的食品是大便状 something is wrong with Paul. Karen finds out the truth a hard and painful way, leaving Jennifer alone to fight the demonic entity that has possessed her husband and threatens to destroy her very soul. And Paul is not the only one transforming as Jennifer soon discovers that the black room is not only evil but alive as well and may not be able to be stopped!